What form of giving is most helpful for the church?
The most helpful way to support Christ Church Bromley is to set up a monthly Standing Order with your bank - they will then process your gifts each month automatically in accordance with your instructions. This saves you time, means that you don’t forget when life is busy and, significantly, it helps the church with its financial planning.
How do I get started?
If you'd like to setup a standing order please contact our Treasurer who'll be glad to help you get started. There are also links on the website to make online donations using a credit/debit card and gift aid forms to help us reclaim tax from HMRC.
You can decide to donate to either (or both) the Bromley Christian Workers Trust or main Christ Church Bromley accounts.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please also complete a gift aid declaration (further details below) to enable us to increase the value of your gift by reclaiming the basic rate tax on your gifts from HM Revenue & Customs.
Christ Church Bromley (online)
Christ Church Bromley (to print)
Bromley Christian Workers Trust (BCWT) (to print)
Please return completed forms to the Church Office or to the Treasurer.
Online giving
It is now also possible to make a secure online donations to the BCWT and CCB by credit or debit card. For BCWT you can donate via Stewardship's website. If you are a UK tax-payer, you can also gift aid your donations.
How much should I give?
The Old Testament required God’s people to give 10% of their income and most churches around the world would expect something like that level of commitment. Yet the New Testament doesn’t impose any law - it is matter of freedom - we can give less or more as an expression of our gratitude to God (although we are, materially speaking, very well-off compared with the rest of the country and the world).
What if I set up a standing order and my circumstances change?
You can change or cancel a standing order at any time. Therefore, if you receive a pay increase or a bonus, you can increase your standing order using your online banking or by writing to your bank. Likewise, if you face redundancy or a period of reduced income, you can cancel your standing order or reduce your monthly donations. If you can, please let the Treasurer know about any changes as that will help him keep track of your giving and keep his budgeting in order.
How often should I review my giving?
Most Christians will want to increase their giving each year if that is possible. You will probably find it helpful to review your giving a couple of times a year (perhaps in April and in October) to check whether it is sustainable and whether it could be increased.
What if I am a tax-payer?
If you are a UK tax-payer, then it is vital that you complete a Gift Aid declaration and return it to the treasurer. Once you have done so, then every time you make a gift to the church, we will be able to increase the value of your gift by claiming back income tax from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). For example, if you give the church a gift of £100 together with a gift aid declaration, we will also be able to claim back £25 from HMRC. Therefore, the cost to you will only be £100, but because of the tax back, its value to us will be £125! These tax refunds form an important part of the church’s annual income and so please make sure that the church doesn’t miss out!
If you are a higher rate tax-payer, then please note that we can only claim back the basic rate portion of tax. However, when you complete your annual tax return, you should be able to reclaim the higher rate portion of tax from HMRC which you might then choose to donate to the church.
We can only benefit from the Gift Aid scheme if you complete a declaration and so please download a form now (see links above), print or complete it electronically, and return it to us at church of via email.
Can I speak to somebody to get more advice or more information?
Our Treasurer will be pleased to speak to you in confidence. They can be contacted via email by clicking here.
'Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver'(2 Corinthians 9:7)